Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episode 1

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  1. Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episodes
  2. Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episode 1 English Dub

The final battle has been set. Naga is squaring off against Drago in pursuit of the Silent Core, hoping to rule the universe. And it looks like Naga is about to win as Drago is down for the count.

That's when the Brawlers step forward and launch their Bakugan into the battle. It takes hardly anytime for our heroes to win and send Naga to the Doom Dimension once and for all. And in so doing, Drago now has both the Infinity Core and Silent Core inside of him.

With the battle over, it's time for the Brawlers to say good-bye to their Bakugan. They have to return home to their dimension to restore Vestroia to its original form. It's a sad time, but after all is said, Drago leads the Bakugan back home where he meets up with his long-time love Wavern.

And what about the Brawlers? They return home and Dan even gets a date with Runo, and on the bench after them, you can see Joe and Chan. While most of the Brawlers are trapped fighting against Druman and Centorrior, Naga is free to go after Wavern and the Infinity Core. But Dan leads his team to defeat the two evil henchmen and races off with Drago to face off against Naga himself. But it's too late!

Naga has trapped Wavern and it looks like she has no choice but to surrender the Infinity Core to her wicked brother. That's when Drago arrives and Wavern sends the Infinity Core into him, while Drago blasts his beloved Wavern into Vestoria. Now the battle is between Naga and Drago.

The fight is intense and Naga takes the upper hand as Drago loses power. But Drago's rage builds to a new high and he is instantly transformed into the Ultimate Bakugan.

Able to use any Ability in battle whenever he wants! But Hal-G steps up to the plate unleashing a new army of battle. The real battle for the universe has just begun! The Brawlers are in trouble!

Wavern and the Infinity Core are hiding at the top of Wardington Tower but Naga and his forces are nearby. Suddenly, two evil Bakugan named Centorrior and Druman arrive on the scene. Dan and Drago have fought them before in Vestroia, but they've come back to claim the Infinity Core for Naga. Meanwhile, Alice searches for her Grandfather, unaware that he is actually under the control of the evil Hal-G. In the form of Dr.

Michael, Hal-G convinces Alice to take him to Wardington Tower so that he can get close to Wavern and the Infinity Core. Drago and Tigrerra battle Centorrior and Druman but the powers of the two evil Bakugan appear to be too much for the Brawler.

Back at Wardington Tower, Hal-G makes his move and unleashes Naga on a weak and tired Wavern. Naga has Wavern right where he wants her. That's when Shun shows up on the back of Storm Skyress.

Storm Skyress battles Naga but he is too powerful. With the other Brawlers trapped by Centorrior and Druman, it looks like Naga will finally get his claws on the Infinity Core after all. Komba shows up in Wardington, where he meets up with Shun. Out of nowhere, Hairadee appears seeking revenge for his loss against Skyress. Hairadee has come prepared for battle and no matter what Shun or Komba throw at him, he counters their attacks.

He quickly sends both Shun and Komba into a deserted castle away from the battle. With them out of the way, Hairadee quickly brings down Skyress and Harpy. Shun and Komba fight their way out of the castle, destroying several 'mini'-Hairadees along the way. But when they spot their Bakugan, it looks like it's over.

Both Skyress and Harpus are down for the count. Suddenly, Julio appears out of nowhere and fires his Gamma Ray. This frees Shun and Komba and gives them enough time to power up and continue the fight against Hairadee.

In no time, Shun and his gang destroy Hairadee, leaving the Brawlers to battle another day! Alice and Christopher come face to face with Rabeeder, who is on the hunt for the Infinity Core on Naga's behalf. She brawls with our two heroes, and proves to be a worthy opponent. Meanwhile, Wavern confesses to Drago her concern that she may not be able to keep Naga from getting the Infinity Core.

She even goes so far as to ask Drago to process the Infinity Core inside her before Naga is able to. However, Drago refuses.

Rabeeder finds out that Julie has defeated Tricloid and becomes bent on revenge. The battle kicks up to the next level when Klaus suddenly arrives to help out! Alice learns the value of faith, and even manages to convince Rabeeder and Tricloid to abandon Naga's cause and return to Vestroia. Out of the blue, Alice spots her grandfather! The entire world is in a state of chaos as Naga's evil Bakugan invade neighborhood after neighborhood. It's now up to the Brawlers to stop them. Their plan is to split up, with each Brawler taking up a small area and defending it.

Julie and Gorem find their spot to protect and, as they arrive, Billy and Cycloid show up to help. Unfortunately, Tricloid has fallen under Naga's evil spell and plans on defeating the Brawlers!

Meanwhile, young Nene, who claims she's the 'World's Greatest Bakugan Player,' comes along. Nene says what she thinks and tells Billy and Julie that they should stop fooling themselves and finally admit that they're a couple.

Nene leaves with her brothers, leaving Billy and Julie to fight Tricloid. But Tricloid is too much for them. In the end, Nene shows up again and, with Billy's new plan, they defeat Tricloid. Tricloid breaks Naga's spell and Billy and Julie realize their true feelings for each other. The Brawlers are back on Earth, but Naga is not far behind.

He's turning up the heat on his sister Wavern and she's really feeling it. He's after the Infinity Core that Wavern possesses and he's using all of the evil Bakugan he can to get to it. In fact, he's launched a sneak attack on the Brawlers in an attempt to catch them off guard. This causes much panic and confusion all over the world and leads to most cities being evacuated. This includes Wardington, the city that the Brawlers are in.

Luckily, Wavern is able to use the Infinity Core to create a force field around the city. But when the heat from the Infinity Core overwhelms her, the force field collapses. This allows the evil Bakugan Tayghen to go on the attack.

Across town, Jenny and Jewls, of the pop group JJ Dolls, prepare to perform to a sold out crowd. Unfortunately, the crowd has left the city, leaving them standing in an empty stadium. This doesn't sit well with the two singing sensations, and they join Marucho by the seaside to stop Tayghen. Using their own Bakugan, they battle Tayghen and discover that they are in way over their heads. However, their love of publicity proves to be their undoing. Although they have thousands of devoted fans cheering them on, they are no match for Tayghen. It is only when Marucho convinces them to combine their Bakugan with his that they are able to defeat Tayghen.

The Brawlers have finally made it to Vestroia where they hope to confront Naga and retrieve the Silent Core to save the universe. But when they get there, they realize that Naga is nowhere to be found. It turns out that he's headed for Earth, where all of his henchmen Bakugan have started popping up and attacking. The world is in a complete state of chaos and the evil Bakugan attempt to seek out Wavern, who holds the Infinity Core.

This is the final piece that Naga needs to become supreme ruler. Suddenly, an urgent transmission is heard over Dan's Bakugan. It's from Joe, who explains the situation on Earth. Joe begs his fellow Brawlers to return to Earth to battle Naga's evil Bakugan. But how can they return to their home, and is there enough time? Suddenly, Wavern and the light from the Infinity Core appears in Vestroia ready to guide the Brawlers home.

Dan and Drago are left weak and beaten by their battle with Centorrior and Druman. Help arrives in the form of Masquerade and Hydranoid. A fierce battle ensues, and the team of Masquerade and Hydranoid are seemingly beaten! Dan runs off with Centorrior in hot pursuit.

Finally, with Dan exhausted and about to be beaten, Masquerade and Hydranoid come to the rescue! It turns out that this was all an elaborate plan cooked up by Masquerade and Dan.

Centorrior and Druman are taken out, and Masquerade says a final farewell to Dan. And to Alice! Dan and Drago have passed into another world as they make their way toward Naga. But once again, they're up against a couple of fierce Bakugan Gatekeepers who won't let the Brawlers pass without a fight. But just as Dan and Drago get nailed, the oldest and wisest Bakugan, Nobilion, shows up to protect them. He explains how Naga came to being and how the Bakugan and the human dimensions overlapped, causing the chaos that's all around them. Nobilion tells Dan and Drago to follow him and he'll lead them to Naga himself.

But just as their journey begins, Centorrior and Druman, two nasty Bakugan in this dimension, show up and block their path! Without breaking a sweat, they push back Drago and destroy Nobilion!

Now the injured heroes are all alone and on the verge of failure. On their way to Vestroia, the Brawlers pass through into another world known as the World of Light and Earth. There they discover two very unusual Bakugan sisters, named Rabeeder and Tricloid, who are desperate to play games with them. Eager to complete their mission, the Brawlers carry on their way only to be stopped again and again by the persistent sisters.

It turns out they are the gatekeepers of this world and they want to keep the Brawlers in their world forever. This doesn't sit well with the team, but Dan accepts a challenge and the Brawlers must beat the sisters in a race to gain access to the next world. It's a close race but Dan and Drago are victorious! They are allowed to move on to the next world to fulfill their destiny and face the evil Naga.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episodes

As the Brawlers journey to find Naga, they end up in a strange world where they run into two Bakugan named Tayghen and Hairadee. It turns out that they want to battle, but our heroes want to leave because their only exit, a small worm-hole, is beginning to close! When the worm-hole closes, the fight begins and the Brawlers decide to follow Shun's lead. He wants to take these two Bakugan out of their element and battle them there so they won't be as strong.

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The plan backfires when they realize the universe is in so much chaos that Bakugan now have the ability to take on other Attributes. It looks like it's game over for the Brawlers and they'll miss their chance to escape as the worm-hole quickly closes.

Shun decides to send Julie, Dan and Runo out while he stays back and rescues Marucho who was battling underwater. Dan protests, but Shun sends them out anyway. Now it's up to Shun to save Marucho and get out of this world of water and wind! Alice wakes up in a groggy fog at her Aunt and Uncle's house, who send Alice on a small errand.

When she's gone, Alice notices a castle near a lake and checks it out. It's Klaus' place and before the pleasantries are over, Klaus has challenged her to a battle. Alice is hesitant, but she knows she could win in Masquerade mode. However, she has vowed to herself not to ever go back to that evil side of her again. She reluctantly decides to put up a defense. Alice continues to stall through the battle until Klaus wins the first round.

Alice is still caught in her dilemma when Klaus takes a second victory, and eventually the battle, using his Sirenoid to take her down. Masquerade's true identity has been revealed. To the surprise of all the Brawlers, it turns out that Masquerade is revealed to be Alice!

Alice unwittingly walked in on one of her grandfather's experiments as a Super Dimensional Nova was occurring on Vestroia. That resulted in her turning into Masquerade and her grandfather Michael becoming the evil Hal-G. Now Hal-G has taken Alice away and Naga is attempting to cross over into the human world and steal the Infinity Core from his sister, Wavern.

Only the Brawlers can stop him now. When a giant hole opens up between Vestroia and the human world, the Brawlers decide to head Naga off at the pass before he can complete his evil plan. Now they must face their greatest battle yet. If they fail, it will be the end of Vestroia, the Bakugan and planet Earth. Runo discovers Alice wandering aimlessly across a field and takes her back to her house. For some reason, Alice has been in a fog as of late, and even she doesn't understand what's going on.

Meanwhile, the Brawlers are trying to figure out their next move when Joe gets a message on his Baku-Pod from Masquerade, challenging him to a battle. Dan decides it should be him who takes this one because he feels that he has the best shot of winning, considering Drago's recent evolution. The battle of the century begins as the number one ranked player, Masquerade, takes on number two, Dan.

The fight starts off fast and furious with Masquerade throwing down his Hydranoid for a quick strike. However, Drago survives and round one ends in a draw. The second battle begins and ends with the same result! After a fierce fight between Drago and the three-headed Hydranoid, it's Dan and Drago who emerge as the winners.

In the end, Masquerade is unmasked and you'll have to watch to find out who it is! In order for Drago to begin evolving into the Ultimate Bakugan, Dan has to win one more battle against his chief rival on the Brawlers, Shun.

This will be his biggest test yet! Even his fellow Brawlers can't figure out who to bet on. The battle begins and it's quite obvious from the outset that Shun's Storm Skyress has the upper hand. In fact, in no time at all, Skyress makes a direct hit and Drago, as well as Dan, go down for the count. It looks like it's all over.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episode 1 English Dub

Meanwhile, Masquerade is in a heated battle of his own against Alice in the Doom Dimension. Masquerade is intent on stealing the Darkus powers from Alice's Exedra. As the battle rages on, Masquerade pulls out a victory, allowing his Hydranoid to evolve to the next level. Similarly, Shun and Dan's battle has progressed to the second round. Both Dan and Drago decide it's now or never.

In a brilliant rally, Dan takes the victory, allowing Drago to begin his evolution! Dan's test, given to him by the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia, continues. He's already battled his friends Marucho and Julie and now he must face Shun. When he goes to visit Runo, she tells him that Alice has gone missing and they decide to go look for her. With Alice nowhere to be found, Dan makes his way to his battle in the park and leaves Runo to continue the search. Meanwhile in the Doom Dimension, Masquerade faces his own test given to him to by the Vestroia soldier known as Exedra.

His test is to defeat Alice in a Bakugan Brawl, a test he scoffs at because he knows he can easily defeat her. Before his big battle in the park, Drago goes off on his own and meets with Wavern.

Together they discuss the troubled state of Vestroia and Naga's evil plan to get the Silent Core and the Infintiy Core. Back at the park, Tigrerra intercepts Drago and asks if he will battle her first, instead of Skyress.

Drago agrees, after Dan gives his blessing, and Runo and Tigrerra engage them in a furious battle. The Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia have made an offer that if Dan can beat his Brawlers friends one by one in battle, then his Drago will begin to evolve just like the others have. Dan accepts the challenge and the battles begin.

First up is Julie and her Hammer Gorem. Julie is confident, even cocky and literally rides her Bakugan into battle not allowing Dan a clear shot at defeating Gorem without hurting her. But after Julie continues her verbal jabs, Dan decides he has had enough and let's Drago finish the fight. In the next battle, it's Marucho and his Preyas Bakugan against Dan and Drago. It's an intense battle and even a few on the sidelines say it's the best battle they've ever witnessed.

Marucho starts off strong and comes out with a tie in the first round. In the second battle, it's Dan who wins again. Now it's Shun turn, but he puts the battle off until the next day. Meanwhile, in the Doom Dimension, Masquerade appears and challenges the Six Soldiers to a battle.

They willingly comply and offer up their first combatant who turns out to be. The Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia have sent the Brawlers back to their own world. They all successfully passed their tests, except Dan.

His test may prove to be the hardest of them all. He must defeat his friends in a Bakugan brawl.

Masquerade faces off against Joe in the hopes of taking the Infinity Core from Wavern. Luckily, Masquerade doesn't have an Ultimate Bakugan and even when he uses the Dual Hydra he still can't beat Wavern. Defeated, he leaves Joe and Wavern but vows to come back with an Ultimate Bakugan and take the Infinity Core. The rest of the Brawlers return to their families and prepare for their next battle.

Dan tells his mother of Vestroia and the Bakugan, and, to his surprise, she believes him and gives him and Drago her blessing to save Vestroia. Meanwhile, deep inside his mansion, Masquerade has a secret meeting with Hal-G and discusses his plan to use the Dimension Transporter to steal the Infinity Core. While in the Doom Dimension, all of the Brawlers have passed their respective tests given by the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia. That is, all except for Dan.

Now it's his turn to be tested by the most powerful Dragonoid, Apollonir. His test is to simply defeat his clown minion and upon his defeat, all of the Brawlers would be sent back to their world. Meanwhile, Webmaster Joe has moved into the Brawlers' neighborhood, where Wavern hooks up with him. She explains that she has chosen him to help her protect the Infinity Core. Just as she tells him this, Masquerade shows up and challenges Joe to a battle. While this is going on, Dan is wrapping up his battle with Bozo, defeating him handily.

Unfortunately, there's a major problem. After the victory, Drago didn't evolve! It turns out, Dan and Drago have one more test to pass! The six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia have put three of the Brawlers through different tests to see if they're worthy of helping them save Vestroia and Earth. In this episode, Runo and Tigrerra are up. In the blink of an eye they are whisked to an enchanted forest where they meet up with one of the Legendary Soldiers, Lar Lion, who conjures up a Young Dan to battle Runo. After a series of flashbacks to her childhood, Runo quickly realizes how rude Dan was to her back then and she decides she has to beat.

But there's a problem- because of her stubbornness, Runo races into battle without thinking or taking advice from Tigrerra. She quickly loses the first two rounds. But things quickly turn around once she recognizes her fault, and when she does, Tigrerra evolves into Blade Tigrerra and she wins the battle against Young Dan! Shun and Skyress have been sent to the 'World of Tests' by the six legendary soldiers of Vestroia.

They wake up in a deserted, run-down city where they meet a little girl who claims to have been waiting for them. Shun is suspicious but agrees to play a number of games with the little girl until his 'test' begins. It is only when she pulls out a Bakugan that he realizes that she will be his opponent in the 'test.'

To make matters worse, the little girl reminds Shun of his mother so much that he can't concentrate. He's convinced she is his mother in a younger form. Shun tries to battle but he's distracted and dazed. When the little girl unleashes one of the Vestroia soldiers, Oberus, on to the Bakugan field, things really go bad. Skyress decides to take command and goes head to head with Oberus, but ends up crashing and burning. It is then that Shun realizes the error of his ways, and his grief brings Skyress back in a new form, as Storm Skyress. Shun regains his focus and, with the help of Storm Skyress, defeats Oberus and passes the test.

Before Oberus sends them back to real world, Shun and Storm Skyress see the devastation of Vestroia. There they are warned that all the Brawlers have many more battles ahead of them in their quest to save Vestroia and the earth from utter destruction. Marucho and Preyas are dropped somewhere in the 'World of Tests,' and they wander aimlessly trying to find the other Brawlers. They encounter a dehydrated old frog-man who sends them on a quest to bring him water. Marucho agrees, and after a lot of hardship, they succeed.

This strange thirsty creature reveals himself to be Frosch, the ancient Aquos soldier. He explains that Marucho's test is about to begin, and presents Marucho's opponent. Or more accurately, the Marucho that once was.

During the course of the ensuing Brawl, Marucho must come to terms with the 'self' that he despises. And Preyas must come to terms with the agony he finds himself in. Which turns out to be labor pains!

Preyas 'gives birth' to Angelo and Diablo, who, along with Preyas, represent the evolved Preyas. After Dan and Drago were sent to the Doom Dimension, the rest of the Brawlers decide to team up and allow themselves be sent to the Doom Dimension to save their pal.

In no time they find Dan and Drago, but they are unsure of finding a way back home. Suddenly, a group six Bakugan appear. They are the Legendary Six Soldiers who, many millenniums ago, saved Vestroia from total destruction. They are interested in seeing if Vestroia can be saved for a second time.

First, however, they must see if the Brawlers are worthy. The Legendary Six decide they must put them through a series of tests. First up is Julie, who is being tested by Subterra Clayf.

The test takes place in a bizarre, dreamlike sit-com where Julie's big sister, Daisy, shows up and Julie goes against her in a brawl. Julie is confident going into battle that she'll win, but right off the bat she loses the first two rounds. In time, Julie learns a hard lesson that in order to be a winner, you must first believe in yourself. When she does this, Julie passes her test with flying colors by defeating Clayf, who entered the battle. In the end, her Bakugan, Gorem, evolves into Subterra Hammer Gorem! Drago was sent to the Doom Dimension by Masquerade and Dan decided he must follow his Bakugan there.

Problem is, there's no escape! Now it's up to the rest of Brawlers to figure out a way of bringing them back to the real world. But first, Masquerade decides to continue his evil plan of sending everyone's Bakugan to the Doom Dimension. Next on his list is Shun. Masquerade sends Shun a note telling him to meet him at a deserted factory. The rest of the Brawlers are saddened by the fact that they are helpless in trying to find Dan.

Then Shun's Bakugan, Skyress, divulges that Shun received a note from Masquerade to battle. At first the others are upset with Shun for not being a team player, but then they formulate a plan. So to carry out their scheme, they all meet up with Masquerade. Then, in the blink of an eye, Masquerade sends them all to the Doom Dimension much to the dismay of Dan's mom!

Julie and Marucho run across Dan shopping for jewelry, and they speculate about who it might be for. Meanwhile, Joe comes to visit the Brawlers and informs them that Masquerade has systematically discarded his henchmen and their Bakugan.

He also informs them that Hydranoid has likely evolved! Dan has a dream in which Masquerade challenges him to a brawl, only to discover that it was no dream! The Brawlers meet Masquerade at the appointed time and place, and a fierce brawl ensues between Dan and Masquerade. Just when it looks like our hero has vanquished his foe, the tables turn, and Drago is sent to the Doom Dimension! What's more, Dan, overcome by grief, decides to go with Drago!

The Brawlers are shocked and saddened by the turn of events. Masquerade is on a mission to send all of his minions' Bakugan to the Doom Dimension.

He begins with Chan, then moves on to Komba, each time winning handily. From there he defeats Billy and his Cycloid and in the final battle, he takes care of Klaus in no time flat. Meanwhile, Runo is having second thoughts about ever playing Bakugan again. Mostly she's feeling sorry for herself, but her friends and her Tigrerra are concerned. Not so much that she wants to quit, but the reason behind it. In the end, Runo thinks her retirement through and decides she's back in the game because the Brawlers need her.

And speaking of the Brawlers, Masquerade makes a solemn vow that they are next in line for the Doom Dimension! Runo suspects Alice is secretly spying on the Brawlers and giving information to Masquerade. However, Julie suspects Shun is the real mole on the team.

All this distrust puts a strain on everyone and it begins to affect their judgment and their battles. Things come to a head when Dan and Runo face off against Nene, Akira and Shuji, three very skilled but annoying Bakugan players. It's only when Alice steps in as playmaker for Dan and Runo that they realize they should be looking outside the team and not blaming each other. Meanwhile, across town, Marucho has made a startling discovery. Someone has been hacking into the Brawlers' website and stealing information. It's not Webmaster Joe or a member of the team, as he originally suspected. So, if all the usual suspects are innocent then who is spying for Masquerade?

Alice has left her job working with Runo to go on an errand when she runs into a young boy name Christopher. Christopher is at a crossroads- he loves Bakugan but always loses, so he's on the verge of throwing away his Bakugan. That's when Alice spots him and tells him he shouldn't give up. She tells him Bakugan is more than just about skill and power, it's about confidence. Christopher isn't overly convinced and reluctantly gives in. Finally, he decides to try out Alice's advice in a battle against an older kid, Travis, who's actually a bully and enjoys beating Christopher.

But here's the rub, this time Christopher has Alice in his camp and she tells him to battle using confidence. And it works! Not only does he pick the right Ability Cards to use, but summoning up his confidence, he in turn imparts it to his Bakugan, Juggernoid, who feeds off of it, becomes stronger and defeats Travis! The Brawlers have reason to suspect a webmaster by the name of Joe is divulging their secrets to Masquerade.

In order to find out, they head to the small, far-away town where Joe lives. It turns out that Joe is in the hospital, and when Dan finally finds him, he confronts Joe about his relationship with Masquerade. Joe is coy and says he'll answer his question only if Dan promises to battle him. Dan agrees and the brawl is on! As the battle begins, Dan quickly realizes that Joe is a rookie. In fact, he's never battled anyone before! The first round is quickly won by Dan, while Joe, through mostly luck, wins the second.

Then Dan wins the third battle, but when the fourth battle begins, Joe faints and the fight is quickly forgotten. Joe recovers and reveals to the Brawlers (through a video) that he has nothing to do with Masquerade. In fact, he warns other players to steer clear of him. That makes everyone happy and Joe joins the Brawlers in their quest to stop Masquerade! Dan, Marucho and Runo are in a battle against Klaus, Chan and Julio. The Brawlers feel that their opponents are a stepping stone to finding the whereabouts of Masquerade.

They figure if they win, maybe they'll give up some information about the masked maniac. The battle heats up and Marucho is fighting to save his Preyas from entering the Doom Dimension again. After several Ability Cards are thrown down, it's up to our heroes to finish this battle.

And it ends in style with Drago evolving as a Bakugan! The Brawlers take the victory and after it's over, they enquire about where Masquerade might be hiding. They claim they don't know but they do know a kid named Joe (the Webmaster of the Brawlers site) and soon all jump to the conclusion that Joe is really working for Masquerade. Shun even goes one step further and suggests that Joe might even be Masquerade!

Komba, one of Masquerade's former minions has crossed over to the Brawlers' side. On their way to Komba's hometown of Nairobi, Kenya, the gang learns that Masquerade uses a teleporting device to travel anywhere at anytime in the world. After saying goodbye to Komba, the Brawlers are suddenly ambushed by the remaining three of Masquerade's gang. A triple battle ensues and, to the shock of Marucho, his old Bakugan, Preyas, is under the control of the bad guys. As the battle ensues, Dan and Runo come up with a plan to get Preyas back on their side.

Their scheme works and Marucho is happily reunited with Preyas. There's just one problem- they still have to finish the battle against Masquerade's three top Bakugan players! Dan and his pals are flying into the Bakugan Valley to continue their quest for the Infinity Core when Dan pushes his weight around a little too much and everyone gets upset with him.

Especially Runo and Shun. In fact, Shun has had enough of Dan and decides to leave, believing that he's better off as a lone gun in his attempt to seek out and destroy Masquerade. As Shun ventures away from our heroes, Alice catches up to him. She's worried. But before she can convince him to return to the others, Shun is confronted by Komba, a cocky little kid who's been recruited by Masquerade.

Komba challenges Shun to a battle. At first, Shun is simply annoyed, but then decides to take the wanna-be Brawler on. In no time, Shun beats him soundly and just as the battle ends, Dan shows up to apologize to Shun for being such a hot head. In the end, Shun and Dan both learn a valuable lesson about friendship! Dan, restless for action, loses his cool at a brunch meeting when he tries to grill a distraught Marucho about Masquerade's secret hideout location.

Runo tries chilling the situation but her jealousy over Julie ends up getting in the way, isolating herself and forcing Dan and Julie to go at it alone to find Billy; a childhood friend of Julie's who's under Masquerade's control. The trail leads to Germany where Julie insists on battling Billy solo, much to Dan's disapproval. But Dan eases off when he sees that Julie's skills appear to be giving her the upper hand. But of course, killer looks are deceiving and it turns out to be a dirty set up, one that nearly sends Julie into the Doom Dimension. Luckily, Julie has her own game plan, proving that winning isn't everything when loosing a friend is at stake. Runo and Marucho were chasing Klaus through the castle when they mysteriously found themselves in a strange wing.

After searching around, they discover a computer in the dungeon that takes them to a strange hi-tech control room. All over the walls are digital displays of rankings of all Bakugan players throughout the world. Without warning, Runo and Marucho are facing off against Masquerade's muscleman Julio in battle! Dan realizes that Runo isn't strong enough to take on Masquerade's minion by herself, so he joins the battle.


It rages on with Julio easily outpowering them. The situation is desperate and it isn't until Drago starts his 'evolution process' that they tie the score and eventually win.

Now the Brawlers are on a quest to evolve one of their Bakugan before Masquerade finds the Infinity Core. It's all over!

We briefly meet Klaus Von Herzon, the number two world ranked Bakugan player. He collects Bakugan, and obviously has his eye on Marucho's Bakugan, Preyus. Meanwhile, our heroes are exhausted from searching for the Infinity Core and are disheartened by their lack of success. Marucho and Preyus whip up a quick meal, which picks up everyone's spirits.

Dan suggests asking for info on the Infinity Core on their website, despite the risk. Everyone eventually agrees, and soon they have a lead! They all fly to Germany and wind up in a huge castle, which belongs to none other than Klaus Von Herzon! Klaus challenges Marucho and Preyus to a Brawl, holding the Infinity Core for ransom. It turns out that Klaus is working for Masquerade, and a long Battle culminates in Preyus being sent to the Doom dimension!

Marucho is shattered at the loss of his friend and we are left seeing Preyus floating in the void of the Doom Dimension. While the Bakugan Battle Brawlers desperately try to search for the Infinity Core in Bakugan Valley, they can't help but feel sorry for their teammate, Julie. She discovered that her childhood friend Billy had joined up with Masquerade and the news devastates her.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episode 1

However, Shun has other things on his mind. He believes that someone close to the Brawlers may be a spy and they are feeding information to Masquerade. So he sets a trap to test his theory and he lures Chan Lee, one of Masquerade's gang, out into the open. Chan Lee is the third best Bakugan player in the world and she challenges Dan to a battle. They fight a fierce match but in the end Dan and Drago are victorious. The team is elated over Dan's win but Shun realizes he was right about a spy being in their camp all along. It turns out he's a mysterious figure, who runs the Brawlers' website, who goes by the name of Webmaster Joe.

Dan and his friends head off to the middle of nowhere to visit Julie who lives near the Bukugan Valley. Rumor has it that this is the place where the Infinity Core is. Our heroes want to find it and figure out what they can do to stop the Core from spreading its evil power around the world. In essence, shut down Hal-G and Masquerade and ultimately Naga.

After a short trek, they find it, but before they can continue their investigation, they meet up with Julie's friends Billy and Komba. These two challenge the Brawlers to a battle. The twist is, both Billy and Komba are aligned with Masquerade and they want to send the Brawlers' Bakugan to the Doom Dimenison.

The battle heats up as Shun and Julie enter the battle. Both Billy and Komba are ace Bakugan players with incredible gaming skills and it looks like they're about to take the victory.

Bakugan battle brawlers episode 1

Suddenly, Shun sacrifies his Fairy Bakugan to save Julie's Golem and win the battle. Lured by an invitation to celebrate their world class rankings, five of the top ten Bakugan players gather at a mysterious mansion. There they meet Masquerade and the evil Bakugan 'Naga.'

They are put under a spell to take Dan and the other Battle Brawlers out of the picture. Meanwhile, Alice confesses that she believes her grandfather Michael had something to do with the destruction of Vestroia.

The brawlers decide to visit Dr. Michael's lab and find evidence of what happened to him. But there are still many unanswered questions.

Masquerade has been destroying kids' Bakugans all over the world and the Brawlers need to put a stop to it. Reluctantly, Dan joins Runo and Marucho in another attempt to recruit Shun. When they arrive at Shun's home, Masquerade is already there!

They can't believe that Shun is on Masquerade's side. Dan accepts the challenge of a battle and together with his Bakugan Drago, goes up against Shun and Masquerade. Will Shun send Drago to the doom dimension or will his old friendship with Dan convince him to turn on Masquerade? Masquerade manipulates two boys, Kosuke and Takashi, into using his Doom cards against the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. He promises to reunite their friend Ai with her brother if they help him. Wanting to help their friend, they take the bait and soon run into Runo and Marucho who are at the airport to pick up their Website pal Alice. Luckily Alice is skilled in the finer points of combination battle, and coaches her friends to victory.

But Alice is fighting her own battle; she has a dark secret that will affect the future of her friends! Dan is having a hard time without Drago around. He causes a school friend named Ryo to drop his computer, and runs off guiltily, leaving Ryo feeling hurt.

Later, Masquerade takes advantage of Ryo's hurt feelings and convinces him to battle Dan. Ryo challenges Dan to a brawl and wins! Dan finds Drago, they make peace with each other and Dan attempts to reconcile with Ryo. But he is still under Masquerade's influence, and a second battle is on! Dan is able to beat Ryo, but not easily.

In the end Dan breaks Masquerade's influence over Ryo. But we haven't seen the last of Masquerade!

Masquerade teams up with a young Bakugan player named Rikimaru by offering him a very special Bakugan. Across town Dan begins training for his rematch with Masquerade.

Drago is still unsure of Dan's motives but decides to team up with him in the hope that he can help save Vestroia, the home of the Bakugans. On the verge of defeat with Rikimaru, Drago decides to ignore Dan's orders and uses a dangerous technique to save himself and win the battle. Insulted and angry, Dan curses the day he ever met Drago and throws him into the river!

Original run February 13, 2011 – January 26, 2012 Episodes 46 Bakugan Battle Brawlers ( 爆丸バトルブローラーズ, Bakugan Batoru Burōrāzu) is a Japanese-Canadian animated television series produced by, and under the direction of. The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them. It debuted in 2007, and though initially a failure in Japan, the series became popular in the United States and Canada, prompting the creation/order of several follow-up seasons ( New Vestroia and Gundalian Invaders), which aired in other countries before Japan. The fourth and final season, Mechtanium Surge, was never broadcast in Japan and instead aired in Canadian and U.S. The Bakugan franchise is a joint venture between and, with the animated series produced by TMS, Dentsu, and Nelvana. A spin-off series called which featured the characters from the manga of the same name aired on from April 7, 2012 to March 30, 2013. It was followed by a sequel series called which ran from April 6, 2013 to December 28, 2013.

In 2015, Spin Master revealed plans to relaunch Bakugan. The relaunch was later announced on November 30, 2017 to occur in the first quarter of 2019, with the series title announced as. The new series premiered on in the United States on December 23, 2018, while Canada's premiered the series on December 31, 2018. Main articles: and Season 1 Dan Kuso's life changed one day when cards fell out of the sky and grabed one, which he and his friend Shun used to invent a game called Bakugan.

With other friends, they form a group called the Bakugan Battle Brawlers, and then are accidentally dragged into fighting for the fate of Vestroia (the Bakugan's home dimension). Vestroia loses its natural balance and merges with the Earth and many other worlds. An evil Bakugan called Naga was tempted to take the power of the Infinity and Silent Cores, which formed the Perfect Core that balanced Vestroia, but absorbed too much negative energy and thus was trapped within the Silent Core and destabilised Vestroia. So Dan and the brawlers decided to bring back balance by meeting new friends and allies in the other worlds, learn more about the origin of the Bakugan; and facing Naga, a rogue bakugan who seeks the mighty Infinity Core so that he could complete the all-powerful Perfect Core and have and absolute control over Earth and Vestroia. Season 2: New Vestroia The two of the six Battle Brawlers (Dan and Marucho) return to New Vestroia and discover that it has been colonized by an alien race called Vestals, who are unaware that the Bakugan are intelligent beings.

Three Vestals: Mira, Ace and Baron, however, encounter Shun, who was an old friend of Dan and Marucho, so he knew the truth about Bakugan and formed the Bakugan Brawlers Resistance. While battling against the evil Vexos, the top Vestal brawlers, who follow the rules of their Prince. The Brawlers destroy each of the three Dimension Controllers that keep the Bakugan in their ball form, liberating New Vestroia. The Resistance part but reunite six months later when they discover that King Zenoheld of Vestal has attacked the Six Ancient Warriors in an attempt to steal the Attribute Energies.

The Six Ancient Warriors engage in a 6-on-1 battle with Zenoheld, but are unable to defeat Zenohelds Mechanical Bakugan, Farbros. In desperation, the Ancient Warriors give the Resistance Bakugan their attribute energies to protect them from Zenoheld, who has the Bakugan Termination System, a machine built to wipe out all Bakugan but needs the Attribute Energies to power it. These energies result in the 6 Bakugan evolving. After losing half the energies, the Brawlers decided to attack instead, engaging a temporary alliance with Spectra Phantom, the former leader of the Vexos, along with his sidekick Gus Grav. However, the remaining energies are taken and the Brawlers rush to New Vestroia to evacuate all the Bakugan. Drago, however, refuses to give up and manages to destroy the BT System by absorbing all 6 Attribute Energies and evolves again into Helix Dragonoid. Things quiet down until Spectra resurfaces again to battle Dan and when he loses, he concedes that Dan is number one and joins the Brawlers, returning to his original self, Keith Clay.

Keith reveals that Zenoheld is working on a powerful weapon called the Alternative System and helps construct Battle Gear for Drago. Meanwhile, the Vexos begins crumbling from within as both Volt, Lync and Shadow decide to leave, feeling that Zenoheld and his son Hydron have finally gone too far but are quickly disposed of by Prince Hydron. In the final battle, the Brawlers with Gus, who joins as their newest member, manage to destroy the Alternative and the Resistance go their separate ways. Season 3: Gundalian Invaders After defeating Zenoheld, the Brawlers return to Earth and with the help of newcomer Ren, they set up Bakugan Interspace. However, Ren is not all that he seems to be and reveals that he is a Gundalian in need of help, saying that his planet Gundalia, is under attack by Neathia. Shun is not convinced and discovers, that Ren is lying once Princess Fabia showed and proved Ren's story wrong.

The Brawlers agree to help Fabia and head to Neathia to help fight off the Gundalians. Meanwhile, Ren begins showing signs of distrust for Barodius (Gundalia's Tyrannical Emperor) and eventually defects to rejoin the Brawlers.

Unfortunately, Jake is captured by Kazarina (Gundalia's leading Bakugan biologist) and brainwashed, so the Brawlers head to Gundalia to rescue him along with Ren's imprisoned teammates(who were imprisoned for failure), joined by Nurzak (a former advisor to Barodious, who turned against him when he saw he would lead Gundalia to ruin) and Mason Brown(a teammate who had escaped imprisonment, who have also sided with Neathia. Once they do, the Twelve Orders mount a final attack on Neathia. The Brawlers rush back in time to defend the planet while Dan and Barodius engage in their final battle. Ren and Mason's teammates Jesse Glenn, Lena Isis and Zenet Surrow are freed from their brainwashed state after Kazarina's demise.

Linehalt uses his Forbidden Powers to restore the war torn Neathia, while Barodius and Dharak are destroyed by an overload of vast energy and power from the Sacred Orb (which they tried to take anyway, despite Dan and Drago defeating them), which grants Drago new strength and abilities and evolves into Titanium Dragonoid and granting him the status of ruler over all Bakugan. Season 4: Mechtanium Surge Part 1 The Brawlers' reign as number one in Bakugan Interspace is ended by two new powerful teams: Team Anubias and Team Sellon.

To make matters worse, Dan and Drago continuously suffer from visions sent to them by Mag Mel and Razenoid. These cause them to lose fans rapidly when Drago loses control in battle several times, threatening the lives of all the children in Interspace. Shun and Marucho find themselves unable to help as Dan is keeping everything to himself. When Dan loses control once again and nearly kills Anubias in battle, all of Dan's fans abandon him and he leaves for New Vestroia to train. Shun, meanwhile, takes the reins of leader of the Battle Brawlers and charges himself with the task of returning the Brawlers to their former glory. He becomes more and more uncaring and brushes off all opinions but his own while Marucho tries to help him be a better leader. Paige and Rafe show up to learn from them, but find them in disarray.

Meanwhile, Dan and Drago fix their problem and prepare to come back. Eventually, Dan controls Drago's powers as Marucho and Shun reunite and join up with Paige and Rafe. When the Chaos Bakugan start destroying Interspace, Spectra appears out of nowhere to help the Brawlers out and destroys many of the Chaos Bakugan. Afterwards, Dan returns, but is out of sync and accidentally defeats his fellow brawlers with Zenthon. He tells them later about Mag Mel (Spectra left beforehand, disappointed in Dan having changed).

Shun walks out and dismisses Taylean's words. Dan later has a vision (which is true) about Gundalia being attacked by Mag Mel (who is now free). Dan arrives and tells them about Gundalia, which Paige confirms unexpectedly. The Brawlers dismiss Dan and don't let him go, but Dan says somewhat angrily that he's not asking; he's telling them that he is an original brawler and isn't gonna be cut from this fight.

They let him come along and save Ren's home world. Then they face Mag Mel and discover Interspace being destroyed, so they go back to Earth to save it but they are trapped and must figure a way to save the gate, the key, the battlers and Interspace. Just then, Anubias and Sellon reveal themselves as artificial life forms created by Mag Mel to assure his resurrection and succeeded in taking Dan's Key. In a new battle, Dan finds out that Mag Mel is actually Barodius, who survived his last encounter on Neathia after being transported to the dark reversed dimension created by Code Eve. He later plans to destroy Earth, Gundalia, Neathia, Vestal and New Vestroia by sending every civilization to the dark reversed dimension.

Dan and Drago have a final brawl against Mag Mel and Razenoid with Drago evolving one more time into the legendary Fusion Dragonoid. They manage to win, but before 'disappearing', Mag Mel says that his final demise will cause another disaster to befall on Dan and Drago. Part 2 A few months later, Bakugan City is shown to have a peaceful start as humans have now communed with the Bakugan from New Vestroia. Not all is well when 4 Mechtogan led by Coredegon, who have broken free from their bakugan, start terrorizing the place. Not only that, but some new enemy called Wiseman has appeared with ancient Bakugan called the Nonets. At the beginning, The Brawlers get confused because Wiseman somehow had the appearance of Gunz Lazar, the new Haos Brawler who disappeared after the four Mechtogan attacked Bakugan City. But it was later revealed that Wiseman was actually Coredegon in disguise while the real Gunz was put in a coma so his negative energy was absorbed.

After Coredegon alongside his pals (in his combined form as a Mechtogan Destroyer) sent the Brawlers to the Doom Dimension, he completely destroyed the Earth and New Vestroia. With Gunz back to his normal state, Dan and the others travel through time in order to stop Mechtavius Destroyer from killing every human and Bakugan. In the final battle, Dragonoid Destroyer, who is Drago's last Mechtogan, acquires an infinite power that comes from the bond between Bakugan and humans all over the world, which gave them a chance to defeat the Nonet Mechtogan and send them back between dimensions. Dan's friends throw him a party, but soon discover Dan is missing. Shun sees Dan and Drago sailing off using a boat borrowed from Kato. Dan says that another adventure is waiting for him and Drago, and that he had enough time in the spotlight, such that he wants to let other Brawlers to rise to his rank.

Media Anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Main article: In March 2009, and Entertainment companies announced that a follow-up series, Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia ( 爆丸バトルブローラーズニューヴェストロイア, Bakugan Batoru Burōrāzu Nyū Vesutoroia), consisting of 26 episodes was in production. The series began airing on April 12, 2009 on the Canadian network Teletoon and then on Cartoon Network on May 9, 2009. Due to the ratings in Canada, Teletoon asked that New Vestroia be extended leading to an additional 26 episode order. The Cartoon Network website aired a special called Maxus Unleashed, and marks a synopsis about the first 26 episodes. The New Vestroia series in Japan, aired on the Network on March 2, 2010, at 7:00PM.

The opening song, titled 'Cho! Warriors' is once again done by, while the first ending, 'Bang!

, is done by Yoshifumi Ushima and the second ending 'Communication Breakdown' by Crush Tears. Gundalian Invaders. Main article: Publicly announced through, the official community, and other media, Spin Master announced a third series, titled Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders ( 爆丸バトルブローラーズガンダリアンインベーダーズ, Bakugan Batoru Burōrāzu Gandarian Inbēdāzu). It premiered in Canada on May 23, 2010, and aired in the United States on May 29, 2010. The Japanese version premiered on April 3, 2011 and ended on January 22, 2012, before being replaced by the Japanese dub of in its initial timeslot.

The new series ties into the online game Bakugan Dimensions through the use of special heat-reveal DNA codes on the new series of Gundalian Invaders Bakugan. The first opening song 'Ready Go!' Is done by Sissy, while the second opening, 'Mega・Meta', is done by Yu Kobayashi, who is Dan's voice actor.

The first ending song, 'Love the Music', is done by LISP, while the second, 'Tan-Kyu-Shin', is done by KREVA, and the third is 'Love Go! , which was performed by TAKUYA.

Mechtanium Surge. Main article: In September 2010, Nelvana Entertainment announced a fourth and final season to the Bakugan series titled Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge ( 爆丸バトルブローラーズメクタニウムサージ, Bakugan Batoru Burōrāzu Mekutaniumu Sāji), which launched on February 13, 2011 in Canada and in United States on March 5, 2011. It was originally set for 26 episodes but was later extended to 46. As of February 18, 2012, there have been no announcements whether or not this will air in Japan.

Also, in this season Kubo helped to Hashimoto for some episodes. However, late in 2012, Taiwan and Hong Kong did air a version based off the original Japanese version, though using a modified version of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia Opening and Ending animations and songs. Main articles: and In September 2010, Japanese children's anthology magazine began serializing a Bakugan manga by Shingo Maki titled Baku Tech! Bakugan ( 爆TECH!爆丸, Bakuteku! The series starred a new cast of characters not related to the anime series. As of August 2011, three volumes have been collected. The anime adaption of Baku Tech!

Bakugan was animated by and began aired on TV Tokyo from April 7, 2012 to March 30, 2013 as a segment on the show. It was followed by a sequel called which aired from April 6, 2013 to December 28, 2013. Bakugan Gachi. This section contains. The purpose of Wikipedia is to present facts, not to train. Please help either by rewriting the how-to content or by it to,. ( April 2013) Strategic game Bakugan Sega Toys Spin Master various artists Publisher(s) Years active 2006–2012; 2018–present Players 2–4 Setup time 5–10 minutes Playing time 30–60 minutes Random chance 8% Skill(s) required, Aim Website A strategic game called Bakugan was developed by and and released in conjunction with the anime series, albeit beginning a year before the anime even started (2006).

The game uses spherical, spring-loaded miniature figures, representing the Bakugan, which pop open when rolled onto special metal Gate cards. The objective of the game is to capture three Gate cards. Reception Bakugan marbles have been one of the top rated toys for children, winning awards and selling thousands of marbles a year. The original series 1 and 2 (B1 Bakugan) were smaller, and all Bakugan after series 3 called Bakupearl (B2 Bakugan) are larger and the current size.

According to IGN, it was one of the leading kids games for the Nintendo DS in 2009. The gave Bakugan Battle Brawlers the 2009 award, recognizing the property that has had the greatest success spreading its brand throughout the industry that year. Card game Bakugan Attack Type trick-taking Players 12–9, usually 11 Skills required Timing Age range 13+ Cards 56-card (42 for 3 players, 55 for 5) Deck Special Play Clockwise Card rank (highest first) 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Playing time 20–30 minutes Random chance Moderate Related games The card game is played with a deck of 56 cards, consisting of 5 each of ranks 1–10, plus six additional cards which have special abilities in addition to a rank.

There is no suit distinction. Although it's conceptually a trick-taking game, the player who wins the trick only saves one card on his score pile, discarding the rest; this allows for special cases where there is no single winner. At the beginning of each hand, each player rolls one die to determine the target number of captures. At the end of the hand, that player accumulates a penalty score equal to the difference between the target number and the actual number captured. The game lasts until some player has scored ten points, and the lowest score is the winner. Merchandising and product promotions Toys and electronics In August 2009, Digital Blue announced a line of Bakugan branded electronics for the 20–55 (as confirmed in an interview of popular toys marketed at kids) age group.

Products include branded digital cameras, alarm clocks and other electronics. The line was released in retail in Spring 2009. The franchise generated significant revenue from and toy sales. By 2009, Bakugan had generated $1 billion in toy sales.

In 2010, licensed merchandise sold $600 million worldwide. By 2010, the franchise had generated a total of $1.6 billion in merchandise sales. Video games. Main article: On June 6, 2010, Spin Master announced on that they were working on the online game 'Bakugan Dimensions' which would be released online for all Operating Systems that supported.

It was released for open Beta on June 2, 2010 but the beta was shut down on June 30, 2011 because the season for Gundalian Invaders had finished. The DS, Wii, PlayStation 2 and 3 and many other systems also had a Bakugan game developed and follows the story of your character with a Bakugan who came from the Doom Dimension.

It acts as an alternate plot to the series. Other In 2009, Frito-Lay introduced a set of 26 Bakugan in packages of Cheetos in India. The promotion, which ran from June 10 to August 10, 2009, included a contest in which consumers could win other Bakugan prizes. Similar products. Retrieved January 21, 2018. AWN Headline News. January 22, 2007.

From the original on July 15, 2014. Retrieved June 11, 2009. Weisz, Edward.

Justia Trademarks. Retrieved 2018-10-10. Weisz, Edward. Justia Trademarks. Retrieved 2018-10-10.

Anime News Network. Retrieved 2012-11-17. Pineda, Rafael (2018-10-10).

Anime News Network. Retrieved 2018-10-10. Ressler, Karen (2018-12-20).

Anime News Network. Retrieved 2018-12-20. (PDF) from the original on 11 April 2009. Retrieved 2009-03-25.

Retrieved 2012-11-17. Archived from on 2011-12-04. Retrieved 2011-11-10. Retrieved June 10, 2011. Retrieved 2011-11-10.

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September 5, 2011. Archived from on 2011-09-12. Retrieved 2011-11-10. Ressler, Karen (15 February 2018). Retrieved 30 April 2018.

Foster, Elizabeth (26 April 2018). Retrieved 30 April 2018. External links.