Pocket Tanks All Weapons

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TOP 15 STRONGEST POCKET TANKS WEAPONS - According to Michael Rodion 15.Porcupine By throwing the bullet, spreading/splitting 'damage'. But close range, will produce 230 damage by the center spreading “killer” of porcupine 14.Whiplash Twice attacks (Shot landing if hit, and snap toward the tank), then both of them if it’s close of range will produce hundreds of damages and if calculated overall will produce approximately 240 damage. As we know how suffer if we are beaten!

Pocket Tanks All Weapons

13.Fireworks Real fireworks, or even fireworks shot from the tank, making the damage more than to human a hundred, even up to 200 higher if the pocket tank logic this, Just imagine if we get suck into the game and drive the tank and struck up by fireworks. When compared with the previous, will seen that the maximum value is 240, but seen from the appearance, Fireworks would be higher (of course if the distance is close) 12.Lead Balloon Even with maximum firepower, it doesn’t far, but will remain short.

But don’t play with this Balloon, will produce 250 damage! To make this “big” useful, use it only when the distance is short of each other 11.Mega Reaction Big streak explosions, erodes soil in wide range. This makes if the distance is one-unit, will produce damage 250 higher than Lead Balloon 10.Golden Bullet “dusts” float, followed by their king, “Golden Bullet”. This strong-gold will produce 210 damage at large in uneven flat terrain, but without terrain, try to shot right to the tank body or suicide, you will get 260 at maximum!

9.Fire in the Hole Blast form the basin, and fires, and makes “dirt” cover. The explosion blast, plus roaring fire at the 'hole' from blast. That roaring fire even a strong roaring fire that makes tank 'earn more moneys' average a hundreds. Then 'burying alive' the opponent while suffering with hundred of fires with dirt. If this happens right to the tank skin, will equivalent but higher than Golden Bullet.

The answer is easy, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!” 8.Firefly Massive insect-style “air attack”. If the distance is right at the tank layer, nearly 270 damage will be obtained by attackers. To prove the “near 270 value”, try to “suicide” at angle of 270 degrees with max. 7.Pineapple It seems ordinary if it was shot in the direction of opponent. But if you try to kill yourself with this weapon, we assume that the player have the score of 1000, will remain to 700. While the same real point of Pineapple obtained by the Player which success breakdown the tank at right at the tank layer 6.Chaos Grenade Mixture of 13 weapons: Dirt Slinger, Jackhammer, Wacky tank, Dirt Ball, Magic wall, Bounce dirt, Cruiser, Pile Driver, Skipper, Spider, Worm, Zapper, Laser.


Form a super strong attack and produce 320 and Higher damage. Just imagine, if one of them or another has been pretty reliable moreover there is a very reliable, and all united in one organization, will how much the winning with this gun??? But don't be sure if there is a weapon at 'covering' category such as: Dirt Ball, Bushwhack, Web, Tar Ball, and more 5.Gyro Glue Try to shot exact-point of the Tank Body, This trio strongest glue in all “glueian” weapon will produce more than 380 in damage. The very numerous “glue dot” that form the “gyro” makes a lot of “pain” point, so don’t use it when you covered, you will lose very much points as well as mentioned above!

4.Particle Bomb Not an ordinary bomb, but a “solid particle”, which if activated at the right middle of the tank body, will lose 400 points by the strong solid particle spreading from center if you were hit yourself! But very lucky for you attacker player, if the circumstances are otherwise, although not likely the same as “suicide point” 3.Sonic Blast Emit tri-“supersonic” sound.

The power of “supersonic” will make opponent fall massive points below (top of the tank) this “radiating supersonic”. Then that I can explain about its word “blast”, make a support of “sonic”, it is to trigger the “supersonic”. Even if there is no blast, “supersonic” will never happen. So then, how strong this weapon until this weapon makes 420 damage! 2.Super Nova “All-powerful weapon” that I could say. Now what to explain about this nova of the superiority? Thing that made me interested with this is if I hit right at “shoulder” of tank or suicide, resulting the damage until 900.

Then all I knew about “super nova” is something like exploding star in the sky, then if the game looks “supernova” as well as the natural phenomenon, act as well as the natural phenomenon, then the power of this weapon is reasonable, because it isn’t possible the size of that explosion is as small as exploding car, then in the game will produce 900 huge because the real natural is great-result 1.Spinner Spinner means something that do spinning. But about the spin, what they spin?

Pocket Tanks With All Weapons

Until if we brought closer will be surprised by the “thousand-results”?? The answer is easy, because thing that spin is sharp, sharp thing that spin. And again numerous, stab the tank around thousands of damage.


I can probably imagine from this, if there is such a thing in this world, maybe can destroy the iron immediately. The only I can say from this weapon is “the most lethal weapon” according to me. If there is a mistake to me, correct, correct it! NOTE:among these 15 weapons, there might be points higher with the specified circumstances, but we researched with 'shoot right to the tank' and 'suicide' method.

Basic and deluxe weapons. Ant Farm: Many small shots that circle the tank and create tiny dirt balls. Anvil: A shot that creates a small square hole where it lands. Big Dirtball: Shot that expands into a big ball of dirt. Does no damage.

Big Shot: Shot that does medium damage with a relatively large blast radius. Boomerang: Shot that lands on ground and back tracks toward you until finally exploding. Bouncy dirt: Creates a bouncy substance that covers dirt.

All weapons bounce off of it a certain amount of times before activating. Bunker Buster: A shot that dives underground and explodes in a rather large explosion. Cannon ball: Shot that bounces a few times off of dirt before activating. No blast radius (direct hit). Carpet Bomb: Fires 11 shots in a line. Chain Reaction: A shot that creates a blast that sets off a chain of blasts in a medium-sized area. Chaos Grenade: A grenade which bounces and explodes near the enemy into a total of 14 random shots in all directions.


Crater Maker: A shot with a big blast radius and does some damage. Crazy Ivan: A shot that breaks up into pieces above your enemy and flies in to do damage. Crazy Wall: Creates a blue wall that shoots bouncing bullets left and right. Cruball: A shot that rolls on the ground until it reaches a tank. It then coves that tank in dirt. Cruiser: A shot that rolls on the ground for a while then explodes.

Digger: A shot that removes a small amount of dirt near you. Dirtball: Shot that expands into a small amount of dirt. Dirt Mover: A shot that removes a big amount of dirt. Dirt Slinger: A shot that turns into a triangle of dirt and settles on the ground. Dive Bomb: A shot that drops 10 bullets at the enemy and curves away. Drillers: Fires shots which dig through the ground and home on the enemy. Earth Mover: Creates a gigantic explosion which eliminates dirt but causes no damage.

Fireball: A bouncing fireball. Firebolt: A shot that explodes into a ball of fire (direct hit). Firecracker: A shot that creates a chain reaction moving horizontally both ways.

Fission Bomb: A shot that spreads into a wide array of small shots. Five Shot: Five single shots. Flash Blast: A shot with a large blast radius that does not destroy dirt. Flying Digger: A shot that that removes dirt when it lands.

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Mass Driver: A large meteor falls into a random point and causes a very large explosion. Mega Reaction: A shot that sets off a chain reaction with large explosions.