You Are My Everything Youtube

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Song MeaningThere is a website where Michael Stipe responds to questions about the meaning of his songs. He was asked, 'What does 'drifting off to sleep with your teeth in your mouth' refer to? You Are the Everything Does the subject of the song wear dentures? It confounds my interpretation of the rest of the song.' And Michael replied: 'I really hate that line, but what it really is, and I’m happy to shout this, is when you just wake up and your body is in that paralyzed state and you’re not sure you’re awake; and grinding your teeth together or biting down hard is the first acknowledgment that this is real life, not a dream.

You Are My Everything Youtube

That’s what that line is, it just came off really really awkward. I’ve always regretted that line in that song, so thanks for the chance to speak out about it'. General Commentthe first time i heard this song i was 12 years old & i had just purchased the album green. I was sitting my room & this song came on & i immediately loved the crickets. It made me think of so many different things. Childhood, my grandparents, love, death, the south, humidty, rain. My mother was dying of cancer at the time & it made me think of the way my father looked at her as he was losing her.

Their love was so strong & so real. I remember saying out loud when the song was over 'this is the song i will dance with my husband to on my wedding day.' Sixteen years later my husband & i danced to that song on our wedding day as the sun went down & it poured down rain on a hot & humid september evening.

Gummy You Are My Everything Youtube

You Are My Everything Youtube

You Are In My System Youtube

I am now using the song to put together my son's first birthday photo montage. I love this song so much & it has really become such a part of my life. Thank you everyone else for your comments on the song. I really enjoyed reading them.